Camera Ready Submission

Note: The CR submission site takes care of the copyright transfer so authors do not need to go to the CMT site neither for the CR submission nor for the copyright form.

For Research, Industry, Demos, Lightning talks, Tutorials, TKDE posters, and keynotes, please upload your CR paper to:!/auth/login?ak=1&pid=1k0M6MMYnBWkOvJ3BzdLQf

Workshop CR papers should be uploaded to:!/auth/login?ak=1&pid=5mLRt2m8Bnczm3e7LJVm03

When uploading your CR version, please keep in mind the following:

  1. Your paper follows the IEEE format as indicated in the submission information web page.
  2. Your paper does not exceed the maximum # of pages indicated on the corresponding CFP.
  3. At least one author needs to register for the conference in order for the paper to be presented at the conference and appear in the proceedings.