TCDE Awards

Chair: Xiaofang Zhou

IEEE TCDE Impact Award:

Timos Sellis (Swinburne University of Technology)

For contributions to high-performance database management systems.

IEEE TCDE Education Award:

Jennifer Widom (Stanford University)

For developing novel online instructional materials for data engineering and for educating non-traditional students all over the world.

IEEE TCDE Service Award:

Marek Rusinkiewicz (New Jersey Institute of Technology)

For leadership in making ICDE and the RIDE Workshops high-impact international venues.

IEEE TCDE Rising Star Award:

Spyros Blanas (The Ohio State University)

For contributions to database systems research and broadening the reach of data engineering research.

IEEE TCDE Rising Star Award:

Jiannan Wang (Simon Fraser University)

For contributions to human-in-the-loop data analytics.