Influential Paper Award

We are pleased to announce the recipient of the ICDE Influential Paper Award:

Preserving Privacy in Social Networks Against Neighborhood Attacks

Bin Zhou, Jian Pei

The ICDE 2008 paper is the result of very early work on developing privacy preservation methods for graph and network data. The paper extended the notion of k-anonymity to social networks and inspired many follow-up studies. The simple yet practical solution presented in the paper illustrated the intuition and the trade-off between privacy and information loss. Privacy in social networks and social media has become increasingly important these days, and the influence of this paper will continue.

Bin Zhou is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Systems at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Simon Fraser University, Canada, in 2011. He has broad research interests in database systems, data mining, and Web search. His research mainly focuses on developing efficient and effective data management and analysis techniques for large-scale data. His recent research projects include designing efficient search techniques on large-scale data, detecting malicious activities that manipulate the Web search results, and protecting users’ privacy in large social networks.

Always eager to meet new challenges and opportunities, Jian Pei is currently Vice President, Big Data Platform and Products/Intelligent Supply Chains, at, China’s largest online retailer and its biggest overall retailer, as well as the country’s biggest Internet company by revenue. He is currently on leave from Simon Fraser University and holding the position of a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Big Data Science. Recognized as an ACM Fellow and an IEEE Fellow, he published over 200 technical publications, which have been cited by 76000+ times, 33000+ in the last 5 years. His research has generated remarkable impact substantially beyond academia.