Student Financial Grants

ICDE 2018 will provide a limited number of financial grants to students, with the objective of increasing the diversity of participation in this conference. Priority will be given to students from underrepresented groups at the conference.

Application Deadline: Monday, March 26, 12 AM midnight US Pacific Time

To apply it is strongly recommended to be a member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Data Engineering (TCDE). Information about joining TCDE can be found at Membership is FREE.


Application Website:
Notification Date: Monday, April 9th

The support provided will range from covering only the cost of student registration to providing up to $1,000 in travel support. As stated, priority will be given to students from underrepresented groups at the conference. The financial grants are provided by the IEEE Technical Committee on Data Engineering, ICDE 2018, and the National Science Foundation.

Selection Committee

  • Stratos Idreos, Harvard University (chair)
  • Dennis Shasha, New York University
  • Georgia Koutrika, Athena Research Center